Soulful Sadhana
Dive deep into yogic texts, tradition, and philosophy with
E-RYT 500, and Yoga Hive/Arctic Hive founder, Mollie Busby
E-RYT 500, and Yoga Hive/Arctic Hive founder, Mollie Busby
As women, we are cyclical beings. In nature, the moon is also on a cyclical schedule. Coincidence? YOU BET IT IS.
It's time to stop trying to show up at the same speed every single day of your life (what feels like swimming upstream), and start going. with. the. flow. Shake up your routine, sync up your mind and body with the cycles of moon and/or your menstrual cycle, and welcome Mother Nature into your day-to-day life — all with the goal of showing up as your most authentic self. Worth 7 Hours of Yoga Alliance Continuing Education |
We've all had teachers and coaches encourage us to tap into our "inner goddess," but... what does that even mean?
It's time we get some answers! Learn all about the goddesses of the Yogic tradition, about their history as archetypes, how they relate to our daily life in today's world, and how we can work with their individual shakti (power) to invoke transformation in our own lives. Worth 20 Hours of Yoga Alliance Continuing Education |
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