Join E-RYT 500 Mollie Busby for an immersive 4-week Soulful Sadhana, and dive into the wisdom of the Moon Cycles through the lens of the yogic tradition, drawing inspiration from the book Do Less by Kate Northrup
As women, we are cyclical beings.
In nature, the moon is also on a cyclical schedule.
Coincidence? YOU BET IT IS.
It's time to stop trying to show up at the same speed every single day of your life (what feels like swimming upstream), and start going. with. the. flow. Shake up your routine, sync up your mind and body with the cycles of moon and/or your menstrual cycle, and welcome Mother Nature into your day-to-day life — all with the goal of showing up as your most authentic self.
Soulful Sadhana is a unique program developed by me (Mollie Busby) to keep the yogic teachings, rituals, and a daily practice at the forefront of your life. Each week for four weeks, you will dive into a new batch of yogic teachings and Moon wisdom — all centered around learning to go with the natural flow of your body, your life, and the cosmos.
Here's what you get:
4 Moon Phase Satsangs (Wisdom Talks): You’ll get four lessons to learn more about on moon phases, with everything from astrological science, relationship tips, to emotional effects to how to plan your day-to-day life around the moon. This is also where I'll include my perspective on our textbook of the month, and how I'm integrating Kate Northrup's thoughts into my own life! We'll cover energy levels, egg wisdom, monthly planning — and I'll tell you what cyclical changes I've made in my own life that have revolutionized the way I live and work.
4 30-minute Yoga Classes: You'll get four (total) customized Himalayan Kriya Yoga classes — one per week — taught by yours truly, customized to flow with the current phase of the moon. They will include Kriya, Breathwork, Asana, Mantra and Mudras. You can use the recording to practice daily, for the greatest possible results!
4 Bhakti Practices: Each week, I’ll offer a mudra and a Sanskrit mantra that you can utilize to optimize and sync your internal energy rhythms with the current energy of the moon — tapping into devotion within your heart.
15 Meditations: I’ve been asked for years to record meditations, and I’m ready to deliver! You will receive 15, daily guided meditations formulated for each day of the moon cycles as we ramp up from New Moon to Full Moon — then you play them over again as the moon begins to wane again. Together we’ll go on a journey of trying out different styles of meditation that will empower you to choose what you love best. It's a daily meditation practice — all you need to do is press play every day!
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is this program for? You! In all seriousness, this program was created through my lens as a woman. No yoga or mindfulness experience is necessary… and while there will be some talk of menstrual cycles and hormones, the moon cycles and the practices I teach are applicable to all. If you’re called to participate, join us. If you don't have a menstrual cycle, these teachings will still resonate, as the moon serves the same purpose as the monthly flow — and we can all follow her!
If I'm a registered yoga teacher, can I get continuing education credits through Yoga Alliance for this course? Yes! This course is worth 7 hours.
How long will it last? 30 days — from the New Moon to the New Moon. This cycle happens every month, so join ANYTIME! New Moons are fabulous times to set intentions and begin new things, but join anytime during the cycle, and change it up to suit your needs. You can budget about 60 to 90 minutes of time each week between the wisdom talk, exercises, and yoga/meditation practices, to truly feel like you're getting the most out of this course. That's 10-15 minutes per day.
What’s the format? The entire course will be pre-recorded, released week by week on the Yoga Hive Connect Mighty Network platform, so you work through it at your own pace. We’ll have our own private group on the network to share stories, ask questions — it’s like Facebook group without all the baggage of Facebook.
What is our Soulful Sadhana textbook? Each month, our Soulful Sadhana typically has a recommended “textbook." This round, we’re working with Kate Northrup’s "Do Less." If you’re really wanting to ramp up, you can pair the book with her "Do Less" planner, which is the one I’m using as well in 2022! You can take Soulful Sadhana without buying the book — we just recommend having it if you're able! *Books are not included in the cost of the course*
*Books are not included in the price of the course!*
Seriously I have no experience. Hear me when I say: You’re ready, just as you are! If the course feels right, trust your intuition. All practices are lovingly guided so that if you don’t know things, I’ll teach you.
Soulful Sadhana is always $27/week. This course is $108
We do offer sliding scale discounts for those who find themselves with a deep desire to learn but in a financial bind. Please email Mollie directly (via the form below) with a short explanation of your situation, and a price that suits your current budget.
I'm Mollie Busby, your humble guide and devoted yogi, teaching to you from above Alaska's Arctic Circle where I live deep in the bush with my husband Sean and eight sled dogs, and we operate our yoga retreat center, Arctic Hive.
Awakening Shakti is ABSOLUTELY one of my favorite books. I was lucky to find this book (and a passion for the goddesses) through one of the inspiring facilitators who led my 200-hour training. After reading just the first few chapters, I was hooked. I've used this book over the years to guide hundreds of yogis and yoga teacher trainees through goddess meditation, invocation, and study, in tandem with my own philosophical studies from the Himalayas and beyond.
This I know for sure: When we create Sadhana (practice) and rituals to invoke goddess energy, we not only become more devoted to our own lives... but we find deeper meaning and power within ourselves. This is NOT about seeking energy that's outside of yourself. When we get right down to it, it's the exact opposite. Everything we need is already within us — the goddess is within us, in her many forms. These teachings simply aid us in calling upon that divine feminine within — so it can be wild and free!
Join this course with an open mind and a willing heart — I look forward to having you there!
Each week includes a 10-30 minute recorded Sadhana, workbook of practices and inquiry questions, and a 30-60 minute lecture with Mollie about the cycle of the week. You work at your own pace, and many folks who have taken the course have benefitted greatly from jumping around depending on which cycle they're in any given moment. Feel free to work through this content however your heart desires!