Yoga Hive® Teacher Training Apprenticeship Program
Take your experience of yoga to the next level, and the next generation.
As Yoga Hive® expands and as we look to reach new markets throughout the world, we are proud to announce our first Yoga Teacher Training Apprenticeship Program. The objective of this program is to expand the devoted Yoga Hive® teacher training faculty to support future expansion of the brand and studios.
During this 9-week program, the Yoga Hive® Apprentice will assist Lead Teacher and Yoga Hive® Founder, Mollie Busby and other training faculty members during an upcoming yoga teacher training.
If you’re a registered yoga teacher, this program may be for you if you’re interested in:
Making a larger impact within the Yoga Hive® community.
Honing your leadership skills and your unique specialty within the training.
Personal evolution through daily meditation, regular practice, and homework assignments and readings tailored to your goals.
Deepening your knowledge-base of the ancient yogic and meditation teachings.
Gaining experience with group facilitation for your own workshops and retreats, while learning the ropes for Yoga Hive® Teacher Training programs.
Cultivating (and committing to) your own sacred daily routine.
Sharing the joy of teaching yoga with the next generation of RYTs.
The opportunity to assist and teach for future trainings in Montana and beyond.
Required first meeting pre-YTT weekend with Mollie Busby. Our first meeting together serves as an important face-to-face experience as a small group that will create the foundation for the entire YTT journey.
15 additional hours (~1.5 hour per week throughout the training) of live and in-person meetings with Mollie and fellow apprentices. As a group, we will choose a weekly check-in time that works for everyone. Some meetings will be in person, some will be on Zoom You will always have the option of Zoom, however the meetings take place. During our Apprentice Team weekly calls prior to each training weekend, you will receive advanced teachings, techniques for personal sadhana, and wisdom related to what we’re teaching in the training. Additionally, you will be assigned roles for the upcoming training weekend. Sometimes that looks like teaching a class to the YTTs with a specific intention, leading asana breakdown, gathering materials or setting up/tearing down the space or other roles.
A minimum of two one-on-one meetings with Mollie — one at the beginning of the training, and one at the end to assess progress, answer questions, deliver wisdom and provide personalized guidance on future endeavors.
Additional hours completing assigned readings and homework that expands on the material in the 200-hour YTT. Whether you’ve taken Yoga Hive’s YTT or not will determine the specific homework/readings you’ll be given. This will not be a repeat of your 200-hour assignments (unless you want it to be!)
If you haven't already, you'll receive initiation into an ancient meditation practice passed down from the lineage of Babaji. From this, you’ll cultivate a daily meditation practice throughout the entire 9-week program, and after 21 consecutive days of meditation, you will receive a personal guru mantra from Mollie. Once you’ve maintained a consistent meditation practice for 6 months with the meditation technique, you’ll be eligible for an expanded guru mantra from Mollie.
Each Apprentice is required to attend at least 80% of the 200 Hr. Yoga Teacher Training (80% of 180 contact hours is 144 hours), but can attend up to 100% if desired. You must attend the opening and closing weekends. During that time, you will experience the training with fresh eyes, with a fresh manual, whether you’ve taken Yoga Hive’s 200-hour, or not.
Learning the Yoga Hive® teaching methodology from Sattva Yoga Master Teacher, Mollie Busby, Energy Medicine Yoga Master Teacher Blaine Wilkes, as well as other Yoga Hive® Faculty.
Build a greater understanding for how to manage groups and facilitate transformation using theories of experiential education and yoga.
Gain insight into the skills necessary to conduct an inspiring and cohesive class, such as classroom organization, student rapport, pacing and sequencing, problem solving on the fly, holding space, language, and using your unique voice to change students’ lives.
Accumulate continuing education hours on Yoga Alliance (amount will vary by Apprentice depending on how many hours you observe/learn and how many you’re asked to practice teach — upwards of 180 hours is expected).
You must have at least 50 hours of teaching experience within your own community.
By the start of the program, you must have read and taken notes on the following required readings of the Yoga Hive 200-Hour Teacher Training:
Autobiography of a Yogi
The Yamas and Niyamas
You must own copies of all the required readings for the 200-Hour YTT.
You must be registered on Yoga Alliance as an RYT 200.
You must have either taken a Yoga Hive® 200-hour teacher training in the past, or if you’ve taken your 200-hour training elsewhere, you must be actively teaching (or have taught in the past) at any Yoga Hive® location.
Applicants who are brand new to Yoga Hive® and have taken their 200-hour somewhere else will be considered, although we strongly advise getting involved with Yoga Hive® first through a training or work experience before applying.
Additional Info
Space is limited to 1-3 people per training to ensure maximum support to each Apprentice.
If enrollment is full, applicants may be wait-listed or deferred until the next available apprenticeship period.
This program is a requirement for anyone wishing to be a Paid Trainer with Yoga Hive’s teacher training programs.
Although it’s highly likely that upon successful completion of the Yoga Hive® Apprenticeship, you will be invited to assist and then get paid to help run teacher trainings with Yoga Hive®, this is not necessarily a guarantee.